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Family incest sex stories

Incest sex stories

My wife’s oldest lover, a 63-year-old wrestler-looking man, told me the first incest sex stories that coaxed me not to defame him and his wife. I took a promise from him that he would never fuck his daughter-in-law.


First, Kate fucked me from above on the chair itself. After that, without taking out my penis from her vagina, I picked up Kate, made her lie on the sofa next to me and started fucking her. Kate kept having fun while moaning loudly. Someone entered without knocking on the door and a man’s voice was heard,

Harry, after so many days, this beautiful view is being seen. Grandfather also fucks Kate. But there was sadness on Kate’s face at that time. But see how much my wife’s face has lit up right now. How shining!


Grandfather, you fucked your daughter-in-law a lot. Let Kate have fun with Harry in peace and you keep fucking that nasty whore Anima. Harry, why don’t you throw that bitch out of the house? My sister will make Nancy also a whore like herself.”

While fucking Kate continuously, he said, “What should I do? How do I get out of the house? Jeff, that woman is your father’s real wife. She is your younger mother.” Jeff  never liked Anima. Jeff said while caressing his wife’s breasts, “If my penis had the strength, I would have inserted it into that bitch’s ass.” Just today, I came to know that my sister-in-law is getting f#cked by a man younger than Jeff (my son).


Kate used to be very happy with me. Kate shrugged her buttocks and said, “Jeff, when your 63 year-old man, your grandfather’s cock, is always ready to enter Anima’s pussy, then any young man will fuck him. This brother of yours has been sitting with his penis inserted in his pussy since this evening. I won’t be able to cook food, bring it from outside.”

After fucking for some more time, I took out the penis. The effect of the Viagra given by Gary had started becoming visible. Kate even sucked the penis in front of her husband and father-in-law, yet no fluid came out of the penis. Once again, I told Robin not to fuck Kate. This time Kate’s husband also refused his father. Robin swears that he will never trouble Kate again.

While returning home, I thought that I would go home and fuck Anima throughout the night. But man thinks something else, and something else happens. I returned home at 9:30 at night. When I entered the house, I saw that Anima was sitting wearing such a gown, due to which her breasts and thighs were clearly visible. I felt that she was planning something.

I returned the mobile phone to her and said, “How did you throw the phone like that and go to the bank? I came back at 1 o’clock and saw him lying under the sofa. The phone had gone dead. Gary has inserted a new battery. He’s crazy about fucking you. Quickly find a whole night for him.”

Anima kept staring at me for some time. She must have understood that I must have seen her in today’s sex video. Without any preamble, she said, “Let me make David sleep with me today, then I will remain naked with Gary the whole night tomorrow.”

I want to fuck her the whole night, and she was asking permission to sleep with her new boyfriend. I gave permission.

Call me, but tomorrow night with love.”

After listening to me she stood up, hugged me and kissed me. He held one of my hands and pressed it on his pussy. Anima said,

“You have started taking care of me, so soon you will get new material. Don’t peek into our room at night. There is Charles in the house, seduce and fuck her. Wash your hands and face, I will prepare food.”

She went to the kitchen. And I went into the room and changed my dress. I wore only a housecoat like gown. I didn’t wear underwear and went to my daughter’s room with a Pendrive. Both the girls, Nancy and Charles, pounced on me together. They said together, “Our crease is ready to take a shot, where were you for so long? Take out the bat, and start hitting shots.”

to be continued..  if i get more views

I hope you like my another  (lesbian sex story)

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